Márton Nemes
Márton Nemes is a multimedia artist who creates paintings, sculptural objects, and installations that appear vibrant, fluorescent, and reflective all at once. Referencing techno and rave subcultures, he uses colour, light, sound, and space to immersive effect, and is always eager to innovate with new materials and production methods to create multisensory, diverse experiences.
Central to Nemes’ work is his background in industrial design and an ever-shifting, transient environment upon which he built the foundation for his highly innovative practice. Prior to moving to New York, the artist immersed himself in a mix of subcultures in the city of London. He became deeply inspired by the energy and experience of rave culture, which manifests in his sculptural paintings and site-specific installations as a contemporary form of escapism and social alienation. By employing a mix of techniques such as PVC coating and laser-cutting, and materials such as metal wires and cargo straps, Nemes disintegrates and rearranges our pictorial experience by piecing together layers of steel, acrylic, and mirror. Ultimately his work creates an exit from the ordinary: not only do they appear to transcend space and time, but they also allow us to revel in the spirit of our times.
Márton Nemes (b. 1986, Hungary) lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. He studied at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, later completing his Master of Fine Arts degree at the Chelsea College of Arts, London in 2018. Nemes was previously the Artist-in-Residence of BuBu Artist Residency Program with Buffalo Arts Studio in New York, USA in 2019; at Westport Arts Centre, Westport, USA in 2015; and at Salzburg, Austria in 2014. He has held previous solo exhibitions at acb Gallery, Budapest; Erika Deák Gallery, Budapest; Annka Kultys Gallery, London; and Elijah Wheat Showroom, New York. Selected group exhibitions include MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen; Ludwig Museum, Budapest; and Art Week Dubai, UAE. His works can be found in numerous private and institutional collections, including Ludwig Museum and the Central Bank of Hungary Art Collection.
Nemes is currently exhibiting at the 60th Venice Biennale with his solo presentation “Techno Zen” at the Hungarian Pavilion in Venice, Italy, now on view until 24 November 2024.
Márton Nemes: I Am the Energy I Desire to Attract
2 Nov - 14 Dec 2024E xuberant colours, cadent sounds and dazzling lights manifest as an immersive environment . R etaining only the placebo of planarity , s triking neon tones, gestural brush strokes and...Read more -
26 - 29 May 2022HONG KONG CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE, 26 - 29 MAY 2022 Double Q Gallery is pleased to present Márton Nemes’s newly created site-specific installation, Police Party 22 (2022), for the...Read more -
Márton Nemes: City In The Sky
6 May - 4 Jun 2022The frequently cited prototype of the works of Márton Nemes is the exaggerated atmosphere of techno culture and the everyday urban life, which means not only disconnection but also an...Read more
April 30, 2024The 60th Venice Biennale, on view from 20 April–24 November 2024, is curated by Adriano Pedrosa under the title Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere. We...Read more -
Márton Nemes on Representing Hungary at the 60th Venice Biennale
April 8, 2024ArtReview sent a questionnaire to artists and curators exhibiting in and curating the various national pavilions of the 2024 Venice Biennale, the responses to which...Read more -
May 16, 2023Double Q Gallery is delighted to announce that Márton Nemes has been selected to represent Hungary at the 60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale...Read more -
Art Central 聚焦香港新生能量,“魔法”与“奇想”在后疫情时代展现生机
May 29, 2022新兴的香港画廊Double Q Gallery则呈现了常驻于伦敦的艺术家Marton Nemes的新作《警察派对 22》,其中呈现了一块贴有彩色胶带的大型不锈钢板,在着四周舞台灯的映照下,折射出向四周延伸的色域。这些五光十色、近乎迷幻的 灯光既像是夜店的昏乱光晕,又像是摇晃刺眼的警灯。与此同时,不锈钢板下的一组音响间中释放出的艺术家混剪的音乐旋律,模糊着电音与警笛之间的边界。《警察派对 22》狡黠地游戏于“释放”与“控制”、“狂欢”与“暴力”之间的暧昧地带。 就像一个艺术博览会的持续时间一样,魔法也只有很短的时间。无论怎样转瞬即逝,“魔法念动”可能是一种萦绕在心头的仪式,它对失去的东西表示敬意,也是丰富的记忆和众多未来的门户,在那里我们记得,并重新被唤醒。Read more -
Hong Kong Collector Queenie Rosita Law on Looking Out for Overlooked Artists, and Why She Doesn’t Race to Buy Art
May 27, 2022While building her art collection and non-profit Q Contemporary museum in Budapest, Hungary, the Hong Kong–born Queenie Rosita Law has also become an art-world fixture...Read more -
Against all odds, Hong Kong’s gallery scene is on the up
May 17, 2022During the first year of the pandemic, a sweeping new security law and clashes on the streets of Hong Kong raised concerns among art industry...Read more -
DOUBLE Q GALLERY 即將開幕 | 率先專訪主理人羅君兒 QUEENIE LAW:「藝術是一次探索之旅,希望更多人能有這樣的體驗。」
April 1, 2022繼創建 Q Contemporary,將中東歐藝術帶往世界舞台後,羅君兒 Queenie Law 今次聚焦香港,即將於上環開設最新畫廊 Double Q Gallery,帶來全新的藝術體驗。 Double Q Gallery 選址上環這個擁有悠久歷史的區域,多年來將新舊元素、國際及本地文化融合,「我一直很喜歡上環,因為它是一個充滿活力、充滿創意的氛圍以及將本地和國際文化融合的時尚社區。我們的空間坐落在上環的喧囂之中,位於一條安靜的街道上,卻面對一個繁忙的十字路口。其獨特的 4.7 米高天花板很吸引我,而室內設計方面,我們採用乾淨簡約的美學,希望將所有注意力都集中在藝術品上。」 開幕展覽將分開兩層,首次在香港展出英國藝術家 Tomo Campbell 及匈牙利藝術家 Marton Nemes 的作品。問及為何同時挑選這兩位新進藝術家,Queenie 解釋道:「多年來,我一直關注這兩位藝術家,並見證了他們的事業發展。Tomo 和 Marton...Read more -
March 4, 2022The Ludwig Museum presents ‘PLACE VALUE – NEW ACQUISITIONS’, an exhibition that includes works by progressive artists of the neo-avant-garde, as well as conceptual tendencies...Read more