Zsófia Antalka

Exhibited at acb Galéria in Budapest, Hungary, 2024

Zsófia Antalka explores feminine existence on conceptual, social, interpersonal, and introspective levels with her carefully crafted bead curtains that recall biological aspects in the female body. Moving away from painting after graduation, her large-scale glass-bead curtains often explore the image of women from a historical point of view, relating representation to real social status. In her work, female identity is not formed around a fixed definition; she involves combinations of historical and mythological, rational and intuitive, intellectual, physical and bodily motifs freely. The medium of her artworks, the hanging bead curtain itself, is rather an invitation to contemplate the questions raised by the artist, than a fixed piece that offers explanations. 


Zsófia Antalka (b. 1994, Hungary) lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. She graduated from the painting department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2022. Following her studies, she worked as an assistant at the studio of Zsófia Keresztes (b. 1985) who represented Hungary at the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022. Antalka's work has been exhibited at acb Gallery, Budapest; and ISBN Gallery, Budapest; among others.

Selected Works